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Archtriumph Biennale Pavillion in Venice
2013 | Venice
Venice is a city endowed with few gardens isolated from each other, not lower than 100m radius distance. Any city needs green and privileged spaces for socializing and hideouts from the city life. Therefore, the pavilion assumes itself as a floating garden, a space where art exhibitions and other activities or performances are developed in harmony with its green spaces.
Using as a reference the fact of Venice being described as being an authentic maze, a part of the city urban fabric is implemented in the garden-platform – shaping the green spaces and creating paths and squares throughout the labyrinthic design.
Three visual axes are later created, linking the most symbolic buildings of the surrounding spaces. They are implemented in the design of the garden’s fabric, redefining its labyrinthic design. A system of views is then established, connecting the visitor with Venice’s landmarks.
Establishing a connection with Piazza San Marco, we propose an auditorium towards the city and the square. Through a visual axe from Piazza San Marco, the platform suffers an inflection, defining the shape of the stage and the auditorium’s audience/staircase, which also serves as an access to the pavilion.
Walking though the garden, the visitor is invited to explore the spaces using the five senses: vision, hear, smell, touch and taste. Each space of the garden-pavilion provides a new and unique sensorial experience, enhancing the experience of the architectural space.
At a sustainable level, the platform has a system that collects, processes and re-uses the rainwater and the lagoon’s water for the fountains and for the irrigation of the green spaces. Both rainwater and the water of the lagoon are processed and stored for future use.